Greenhouse Effects Double edged dist. | Alfa Audio Solutions
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Greenhouse Effects Double edged dist.

Greenhouse Effects Double edged dist.

Carl A. Tidemann Signatur modell
Double Edged - Dual Channel Distortion
Carl August Tidemann Signature dual channel distortion
The Double Edged is a dynamic dual-channel distortion with a very unique sonic profile designed in collaboration with Norwegian Guitarist Carl August Tidemann (Arcturus,Winds,Tritonus),
All too many high-gain distortions accomplish their sound at the expense of dynamics and transparency. Excessive compression and a pile of filters leaves the user with a sterile and unresponsive playing experience. Our Double Edged circuit was an exercise in tonal simplicity and refined selection. In order to accentuate dynamics and transparency, every effort was made to avoid over-processing. The Double Edge contains only one filter and very carefully selected op-amp circuitry to
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