AUDIOPHONY DZ-MATRIX Matrisemikser | Alfa Audio Solutions
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12 x 12 (8x8 Analog + 4x4 Remote)
The DZ-MATRIX is the heart of the matrix system. Its controller-type peripherals, which are input/output boxes and microphone consoles, complete the series dedicated to public address, message distribution and zone management. The comprehensive software allows all inputs and outputs to be assigned and the signal to be processed according to the needs of the installation. The IOS and Android compatible app provides access to all essential settings on your smartphones and tablets. The numerous meshing possibilities and the DANTE option makes it suitable for installations for shopping malls, restaurants, hotels, museums, conference rooms, anywhere where the number of inputs and broadcast zones requires precise parameterization.
      The DZ-MATRIX is
kr 20 172,50Pris
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